12 Ocak 2016 Salı

Sesame Street: A Song About Elmo

Adam Sandler sings a song about Elmo. If youre watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join .\r
These are the songs, la la la la, Elmos Songs! Sing with Elmo for twenty minutes straight! Hear Elmos Song, A Song About Elmo, Elmos Ducks, learn the .\r
Its Elmos song! For more fun games and videos for your preschooler in a safe, child-friendly environment, visit us at Sesame Street .\r
Elmo is joined by families and some of his celebrity friends including Bruno Mars, David Hyde Pierce, Nicole Kidman, Amy Ryan, Wendy Williams, Jay Sean, .

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